Be aware that, road condition and other driver could be a dangerous to you. If you can spot the danger you have more time to avoid the danger. 4-1. Road Condition That May Lead to Danger - Construction site (may cause narrowed road) broken, detour, wave, or inflated road, there for, slow going speed is recommended. - Objects lying around the road may cause trouble to one of your car tires so if it is possible avoid those objects slowly without rapid moving or stop your vehicle. 4-2. Dangerous Driver Who May Cause Danger To protect yourself and other road users from accident, you should be able to spot other driver action that might cause accident. You should watch out for other dangerous drivers such as below: - Keep an eye for a parking car, there might be someone who is going to suddenly open the car's door to get out. - Check the tail light of a car setting out it may drive back ward. - Keep both eyes on the movement of passengers at bus stop. - Watch out for pedestrians and bicyclers who travelling in front of your car. - Be careful with pedestrians wearing a hat or holding an umbrella walking in a rain. - Be careful with other drivers who eyes fix on other things as they cannot see you at all. - Watch out for kids playing alongside of the road. - Be careful to pedestrians taking near the road. - Be careful with workers who doing their job close by the side walk. - Keep an eye on other drivers when you passing through an accident for other drivers may be in a rush to see the scene and some dangerous driver may crazily over run your car with little gap between your car and his. - Sleepy, too drunk, used drug, or in bad health condition drivers can be identify with the following signs: - The car sways side by side the road or over steering to reverse lance. - Drive over the side walk - Make a stop inappropriately for example during a green light. - Accelerate his car or slow it down immediately. 4-3. Emergency situation **Be warning about emergency situation and how to tackle them: - If your push the brake, and it does not response: - Keep push the brake rapidly to increase the pressure on the brake. - If you had done that and still no response: - You will have to lower the gear and pull the hand brake. - In the event that you need a faster way to slow down your car: - You need to lower your car gear event more than the last time. - Driving down ward a hill and you cannot reduce the speed: - You need to look for any objects that can keep your car from going down ward from the side of the car. Those objects include: bushes on or near along the road, fences, or big bolder. - Your need to make use of the horn to warn other nearby drivers as well as pedestrians. - In case of the brake pedal has got stuck. - Your should move the gear to Neutral (Remove all gear). - Move the car along the side walk and make a quick stop. - If you have some time, try unstuck the pedal using the tip your shoes, or you can ask the front seat passenger try to pull it up with his/ her hand. (In this event you should not turn off the engine, because it may affect the brake, and the steering wheel and some case it may event lock the steering wheel. - In case of the leadlight of your car broken: - You need to, quickly, step on the brake and move along the side walk slowly. - Turn your car parking light on or use the firework or torch signal to inform any nearby traffic. - If your car exploded: - If you are unable to move out of the main lance to side walk: - You need to slam on the brake immediately because the slower the car is the more minimum impact result of a crash. - If your car is fallen into water: - The best exit is your window. It is way too difficult to open the door against the water pressure. - Open your window as quick as possible if you car have them run on electrical wire for the longer it take, water may cause the fusion in the wire which you would no longer able to open any of the windows. - If a car overtake you and it does not have sufficient time to move back in the lance before you crash into the passing car: - You may still be able to avoid the crash by push the brake to slow down and allow the other car to overtake your faster. - If your car caught in a fire, it may cause by a fusion in the electrical system. Unless you got a circuitry cutter installed, you must: - Use the pulling poll and the lifter to cut off the burning wires. - You should try to put out fire with fire extinguisher or big pieces of cloth. However, if you can't put out the fire, you back off a way from the car for the car's gasoline container may be exploded. - If you really have to stop the car: - Turn on the parking light and move along side of the road in synchronize speed with the traffic (If the road is rubber paved). - However, if the road is not rubber paved: - Just slow your car down and move along side of the road. - Driving at dark or bad weather: - Turn your car code and inside as well as the emergency or caution (the four blinking) light on if you any of them available. Don't block any of those lights if you stand behind the car. Open up the car's hood and tie a white handkerchief to the car's radio antenna which is a sign to ask for emergency help. - Please be cautious, if the one giving you order to stop is not one of the police officer, traffic controller, or fireman. |