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You are in : Home > 2.Law on Land Traffic > 5.Punishment
5. PunishmentThe punishment is made base on the 4 levels of minor penalties: Minor Penalty Level 1: Shall be fined 3,000 Riels for those who act as follow: * Drive by using horn incorrectly to the regulation. * Drive without wearing safety helmet. * Drive without wearing seatbelt. * Stop or park (vehicles) by violating or interrupting. * Drive with defunct speedometer. * Drive over the limited speed from 1 to 19 kilometers per hour. * Using telephone while driving Minor Penalty Level 2: Shall be fined 4,000 Riels for those who act as follow: * Loading of goods with its length, width, and height longer than limit and against this law * Loading of goods incorrectly to the technique * Offenses relating to decoration of lights of vehicles which are not technically standardized * Offense relating to machine making noise or expelling smoke * Offenses relating arrangement of driving space (Rear view mirror) * Driving over the limited speed from 20 to 29 kilometers per hour Minor Penalty Level 3: Shall be fined 5,000 Riels for those who act as follow: * Driving opposing the traffic direction or driving on long line on the middle road * Driving over the limited speed from 30 to 39 kilometers per hour * Offenses relating to passing by or overtaking * Offenses relating to priority at the junction road * Driving without respecting red traffic light or blinking red light * Driving without respecting prohibiting sign * Making repeated mistakes in parking and stopping * Using incorrect tires contradicting to the regulation * Driving without certificate of vehicle technical checkup * Drivers do not obey the traffic order of the traffic police Minor Penalty Level 4: Shall be fined 6,000 Riels for those who act as follow: * Driving by using different driving license to the type of vehicle * Fast driving beyond the defined speed over 40 kilometers per hour * Using unclear number plate of the vehicle with its design differs from its original appearance or its numbers were partly omitted or parts of its plate were broken down. * Driving by using the expired driving license * Driving without respecting the health condition that required to wear glasses * Turning right or left which is against the general provision of this law * Organizing vehicles racing or racing without permission on the public roads. In the case that the offenders disagree to pay the fined money within 30 days since the day they received the bill, the amount of fined money will be doubled, and if it is over 60 days, the amount of the fined money will be tripled. If it is beyond 90 days, the traffic police have to lodge the complaint to the court. |
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