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You are in : Home > 4. First Aid > Rescue
b. Rescue After knowing the situation and the bound of danger, you can rescue asfollow: 1. The Patients is Unconsciousness People who unconsciousness lookslike those who sleeping. There are two types of unconsciousness:
If the patient still unconscious after you have called loudly or slappedtheir shoulder, you should:
2. The Patient Is Not Breathing Respiratory system plays an important role in human life. When we inhale theoxygen flow into the blood, then the blood produce carbon dioxide which flowout when we exhale. Normally, there are 500 ml of air when we inhale once, which contain 21%of oxygen and when we exhale there are only 16% of oxygen. Breathing interval:
If the patient stops breathing from 2 to 3 minutes, the patient’s brainwill not work because the brain can only work while the blood do not haveoxygen at this duration. However, if it’s above 5 minutes, it can cause damageto the brain, and the patient can be death. Thus, if knowing that the patient does not breathing please:
3. The Patient Has No Pulse: The heart has a function in pushing blood to every part of the body. Ifthe patient has no pulse, it means the heart is stop working, and the patientcan die within 2 to 3 minutes. If the patient has no pulse you have to:
4. The Patient Is Bleeding: Blood plays very important role in human body. If we loss too much blood,we can be die in 2 or 3 minutes. Circulatory system is a system of vessel thatheart act as a compressor. Normally, adult have blood about 5 to 6 liters whichis about 1 of 13 proportion of the hold body.
a. Press on the wound, if possible it’s better to use cheesecloth, scarf,or plastic glove. c. If it is still bleeding, bandage one more layer over the first layer. Heavy bleeding from the vein in high pressure can cause blood exhaustedfrom the circulatory system which lead to serious situation that can makepatient shock quickly. Bleeding like this can make patient die in 2 to 3minutes. In case the about (stop bleeding) method is not effective or cannot stopbleeding in long distance, you can use flat rope with width of 4cm to 5cm bandageand twist it or use cross bandage 3 centimeters from the wound. To stopbleeding in such way cannot be used more then 30 minutes, and this method canbe used to stop bleeding on the hand or leg, it cannot be used with bleeding onneck or body. If there is something stuck in the wound, you have to press near thatthing and bandage safely, but must not:
The Patient Has Broken Bone What have to be done while waiting for doctor, or before transport tohospital? When knowing that the patient has broken bone on the hand or leg, youmust:
If patients with broken bone are not cureproperly, they can be come disable. When knowing that the patient having broken boneon the hand or leg, you must:
In case the back bone is broken, you can notice that it hurt on the backand it hurt when patients move their hand or leg, and sometime it feels itchyor feel numb in patient’s feet or palms; so the patients have to stay still andrelax, waiting for people to lift and put on the patient on the flat wood andbring to hospital. |
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